Global Links: Helping To Heal

A collaborative effort within 60 hours in attempt to resolve a local non-profit company, Global Links, issue of creative fund-raising.
Helping to Heal is a campaign to encourage alternative gift giving methods for those wishing to donate to Global Links. Global Links is a Pittsburgh based medical recovery and relief organization that supplies surplus medical equipment to developing countries primarily in Latin America and the Caribbean. With an innovative model of recovery and reuse of medical surplus, an environmental burnden is turned into a life saving purpose through Global Links’ efforts. 
The organization encourages donations in the form of money, time, or equipment, but was looking to increase monetary donations through alternative gift giving. For example, instead of buying a present for Little Billy’s 10th birthday party, guests are encouraged to donate to Global Links. Hosts of such parties receive a step by step kit with engaging promotional materials to get guests excited about the good work Global Links is doing. The concept for Helping to Heal was based off of a basic medical supply, the bandaid. While a bandaid does not fully heal the injury it’s covering, it certainly helps in a major way. Global Links encourages volunteers to help their organization to heal others, much like the way the medical surplus helps those in need to heal from their injuries.
The intended audience is parents with young children having parties that don’t want excess gifts and want to give to a good cause. Other audiences are weddings, religious events, anniversary parties, and many more.
The host of an event would use the step by step online instructions that clarify the process of how donations at their party work. Hosts can print out cards that explain about global links and put them inside of the invitation to their particular event. A guest wishing to donate can donate online, or at the party itself. Online donations receive instant feedback that shows how their funds helped Global Links directly. Guests at donation parties are encouraged to share their contributions through writing their names on printable large bandaids and hanging them in a prominent place or posting pictures on social media using the hashtag #helpingtoheal. Businesses interested in raising money receive a more comprehensive kit that includes donation boxes, posters, and an incentive program for those who donate, bandaid shaped stickers that read “I am helping to heal.” Among the incentives were real bandaids printed with the slogan “How are you helping to heal,” to put in company first aid kits that remind employees of the need that many have for basic medical supplies. A donation box is included to be put in a prominent location for offices to gain funds for Global Links. 
Global Links: Helping To Heal